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John Deere 8430 row crop cab tractor, 305hp, 16spd power shift, ILS, 480/80R50 rear duals, 380/80R38 front duals, 4 SCV, 60GPM pump, 1-3/4 1000RPM PTO, Cat 4 drawbar w/support, Cat 3/3N 17,300lb 3PT w/ quick hitch, planter return port, front fenders, front weight support w/16 weights, 1PR 1400lb inner rear weights, radar, block heater, deluxe CommandView cab w/ Active Seat, ClimaTrak, mirrors, AM/FM Radio, front HID lights, rear HID lights (with side lights), GreenStar AutoTrac Ready. Pictured with display and receiver that are not included.
Stock Number: 502355